Lakebed Temple Walkthrough | Twilight Princess

10.1 Lakedbed Temple Dungeon Map

Start into Twilight Princess’ Water Temple by just swimming all the way to the north of. You’ll come across two different enemies, a Shell Blade and a Bari. The Shell Blades sit near the bottom of the water and act like clams and will try to bite you. The Bari are creatures that resemble jellyfish and have an electric charge to them. Just swim right past these baddies as you head north.

There are a variety of different ChuChus that are around this area, but you can avoid them. If you want to fight them off to collect Chu Jelly, then do so.

There is a treasure chest on the south side of the room that holds 10 water bombs. There is also a treasure chest on the West side of the room that holds 20 arrows. Open both of them and then climb the steps at the north part of the room. Face towards the south and there will be a handle hanging from the ceiling. Jump onto it. The door will open at the top of the room. Drop off the handle and go through the newly opened door.

Once you enter, walk forward and a Stalactite will fall from the ceiling. Midna will pop up saying you should knock down the ones from the ceiling first. Use bomb arrows and shoot them all down to create small platforms at the bottom of the room. Walk down the ramp and jump to the Stalactite on the Right. From here climb up to the next platform and encounter a Helmasaur.

We can’t really get their shield off yet, so attack their backside to defeat. Climb up the Stalactite and climb a few more platforms. There is a chest in this room if you climb the platforms by the door. The chest has Waterbombs. Get them now or later. Go through the door.

A Lizalfos will be in here. They’re easy to defeat. Hack and slash pretty much does the trick. Take him out then open the door at the north end of the room.

Editor note:This main room as we’ll call it will follow in the tradition of most Zelda water dungeons – there will be a lot of raising and lowering of water levels or adjusting how to reach certain levels of the dungeon and this room will feature into this part of Water Dungeon Hell. So, when you see main room, this is what we mean.

Walk straight down the long stairs and then walk clockwise around the room. Fight off a Tektite as you make your way to the south part of the room.

From the south of the room, face northward there’s another handle hanging from the ceiling. Jump over and grab it to make the large staircase turn 180 degrees. Drop down and walk up the staircase to get to the north side of the top floor.

Walk counterclockwise around the room, all the way until you reach a small pot and you’ll find Ooccoo once again.

Run clockwise to get to the West side of the room. From here jump and grab the handle and the staircase will turn 90 degrees. Run down the stairs and then turn to your Left. Open the treasure chest that is nearby for the dungeon map. Now open the nearby door and head East.

10.2 The Water Gates

Take on the Helmasaur or skip it, but head through the door to your East. Two more Stalactites hang from the floor above. Use bomb arrows to crash them down. Walk down the tunnel that is just to the Left. This will take you down to the lower level.

Jump on the ivy that is on the center pillar and use it to climb over to another platform. Jump towards another platform that is at the Northeast side of the room. You’ll see a geyser below and it will occasionally bring the fallen Stalactite higher. Jump onto it when it is at its highest point and then jump over to the platform. Open the treasure chest that is here to get a small key. Return to the other side of the room, climb up the tunnel, and head back West towards the Main Room.

Climb up the stairs and then walk counterclockwise around the room to get back to the East side, but at a higher level. Use the small key you just found to unlock the door. Go through the door and defeat the Helmasaur. Go East through another door.

Follow the path southward, defeating a Tektite in the process, and you’ll come to a treasure chest. Open it up for five more water bombs. Walk to the north side of the room and use the bomb arrows to knock down two more Stalactites. Jump on top of the one that is on the Right and then jump onto the nearby vines. Climb to the top of the vines and then over to the Left. Keep climbing to the Left until you are over a ledge. Drop down onto the ledge and look around there’s another handle. Jump over and grab it to open the door just below.

Fall down to the bottom of the room and then continue walking around the corner. There is a boulder straight ahead, but don’t worry about it right now. Enter the door that leads to the center area of this room.
Avoid falling in this room or you’ll be taken back to the floor below. Jump over to the center area and walk to the middle of the room. Defeat the Lizalfos that appears and then jump over to the door on the Southeast end of the room. Walk to the south end of the room and open the treasure chest for a small key. Walk back through the door and head towards the northward door.

Use a bomb to blow up the boulder from earlier and you’ll fight off two Helmasaurs. Head through the room to the East.

You’ll see a worm once you enter this room and it will run inside of a bubble, thus making a Chu Worm. You can use a bomb arrow to burst its bubble and then finish it off with the sword.

Use the key to open the locked door off to the side. Inside this room, turn to the Left and jump off the ledge. From here climb the vines and then begin scaling the room. Defeat the three Tektites. At the very top, open a treasure chest that’s straight ahead for 10 water bombs. Turn your attention to the bridge that crosses the room. Climb up either of the ladders to get to the top of the arch. From here jump over and grab onto the handle to raise a water gate, causing water to flow down to the lower portion of the dungeon.

Walk back down the path and the water will help Link slide back down to the bottom of the room. With the water now flowing out, the base of this room will be filled and this will allow Link to reach the platform in the center of the area. Climb up onto the middle platform and jump over to the handle that is hanging. Pulling it down will cause a second water gate to rise and allow water to flow Eastward. Pass through to the West side of the room and then follow the flow of water through the door heading to the West.

10.3 New Item: The Clawshot

Go through the nearby door and re-enter the middle room. The water flow has caused the massive platform in the center of the room to start spinning. Drop down through one of the holes on the sides of the spinning platform to get to the area below.

More than likely you’ll go all the way to the bottom. If so, fight off the Tektites and climb the vines up to make your way back through the tunnel on the north side of the room to return to the higher area. From here, you can jump onto one of the three rotating platforms that are hanging from above. Do so and then jump off at the area to the north. Go through the door.

In this room walk to the Right and open a chest that is at the end of the hall to get a small key. Return to the previous room and jump back onto the nearest rotating platform. Ride the platform to the East side of the room and jump over to the ledge. Open the door and head East.

Use the key to unlock the door straight ahead. Walk into the water and then equip the iron boots. There are currents of water being blown on each side of the room. With the iron boots equipped, you’ll be able to walk through the water currents. You’ll reach a large boulder blocking the way. Use a water bomb to blow it up and then continue forward. The Shell Blade here can only be defeated when its mouth is open. However, it is best to just simply take off the iron boots and swim to avoid.

Continue swimming through the water and climb out of the circular pond to find that you are in a new room. The hole you just climbed out of will close and a few tiny enemies will appear. Defeat them and then look up to the ceiling. A giant frog like enemy will appear and drop to the floor. Meet the Lakebed Temple Mini-Boss: The Deku Toad

The large Deku Toad will begin the battle by hatching a bunch of little Toados from his back. The little Toados are your main objective right now so either hack and slash or spin attack the larger groups.

Once all the little Toados have been defeated, the Deku Toad will jump in the air and try to land on top of you. You will be able to see its shadow as it falls from the ceiling. It is best to roll to the side of the toad, rather than towards its head. The giant toad will miss and stun himself when he hits the floor, so run to its mouth and target its tongue. Slash at it as many times as you can until the Deku Toad gets back up.

Once the Deku Toad gets up, it will soon open its large mouth. Quickly equip the bomb arrows and Z-target the toad. Send one flying and the toad will fall to the floor, stunned once again. Run over to his tongue and slash once again with your sword.

Once the toad awakes, it will shake and more Toados will fall to the ground. Defeat them just as before and the toad will jump in the air. Repeat this process over and over until the Deku Toad has been defeated.

Once defeated, a treasure chest will appear. Open it up to get The Clawshot! Though similar to the Hookshot, the Clawshot will let Link hang from an area and raise and lower himself on the chain. Head over to the south portion of the room. Use the clawshot to grab onto the red target above. The gate will open so drop down and head through the door.

10.4 Getting The Compass

Equip the Clawshot and grab onto the Helmasaur’s shell. You can pick it up and throw it at it, or just hit it a few times with your sword and defeat it. This will now prove to be the fastest way to take these guys out. Leave the room through the door to the south. Use the clawshot on the red dot on the ceiling that is on the Left side of the room. Exit to the Left and then run across this next room to return to the Main Room.

The water level is now higher. Climb the stairs then look towards the ceiling to see a huge chandelier. Just above it you’ll find 4 red targets. Use the clawshot to hook over to any of these and then release to land on the chandelier. Open the treasure chest that is in the center to get a piece of heart.

Jump back down to the staircase and walk counterclockwise to get to the East side of the room. Hook onto the red target near the ledge and it will rotate the staircase once again. Water will flood down the stairs leading to the door to the West. Open the door and enter this new area. Defeat the Tektite here and walk underneath the watermill. Open the door on the West side of the room.

There are two platforms hanging from the ceiling. These are similar to the ones that were spinning on the other side of the temple. Jump over to the first one and then aim for the red target on the ceiling at your Right. Once you grab on, extend the hook down and release to land on a platform with a treasure chest. Open it to get 10 water bombs.

Defeat any of the keese that get in your way and then take a look to the north side of the room. Use the clawshot to hook over to some vines and climb to the Left to get to a platform. From this platform face the southward and Clawshot onto the vines. Turn West and there are more vines on the wall to the north. Hook over and climb to the Left. Open the door here to get to the outer area of this room.

Defeat the Chu Worm in this room and head West. Pull out the bomb arrows and shoot the Stalactite on the ceiling and it will fall on top of the water geyser. Climb on top of the floating platform when the geyser is low. Wait for the water geyser to send you up in the area and then jump over to the ledge to the south. Jump down on this side of the wall and defeat the Tektites. Walk to the West and use the clawshot on the red target that is just above the door. Open the door and head West.

Take out the Chu Worms. Hook onto the vines towards the ceiling. Climb across the small blockage to get to the West side of the room. This room resembles the similar room that we were in on the East side. If you fall into the water when you release from the vines, just climb up the vines that are just to the south.

Begin scaling the room counterclockwise. This path isn’t as clean cut as the other one. There are holes in the ground and geysers that shoot water upwards. However, there are red targets on the walls across these holes. Just use your clawshot to hook past them. Repeat this process as you walk up the room. There will be four Helmasaur’s on your way, but they’re easy to take out now.

Once you reach the top, open the nearby treasure chest to get 10 bombs. Climb the ladder on the bridge and jump over to the handle that is hanging from the ceiling, opening a gate allowing water to flow.

Drop down and then pull out your clawshot. Right behind the waterfall there is a red target that you can hook over to. Do so and open the chest to get the compass. Ride down the room once again to get to the bottom where the water level has risen.

There are new enemies floating around within the water known as Skullfish. Try and avoid them. Move towards the middle platform and from there jump up and grab the handle. This will raise another gate allowing water flow Eastward. Use the vines on the ceiling to get back over to the East side of the room. There are two doors here, take the one towards the south.

10.5 Getting The Big Key

Walk forward and dive into the water. Swim to the end and climb up to the surface to the East and walk under the waterwheel here. Enter the door to get to the inner portion of this room.

With the gears spinning, the hanging platforms below will also be spinning. Make your way to the door at the NorthWest portion of this room and head through it. Now that the water is flowing and the water wheel is turning there’s a treasure chest with 10 bombs that we can grab. Head towards the water geyser. If the gate is closed, use the water geyser to get over the ledge on your Left. Make your way to the westward room again, and then immediately head back East through the other door. Swim through the water, walk under the waterwheel, and enter the door to get back to the room with the huge gears.

Jump over the East side of the room and then jump against the wall to the East. Link will fall down to the floor below. Use the rotating platforms to move Westward. The Keese in this room will get annoying quick, so take a few minutes to either snipe with the Bow and Arrow or the Clawshot. Use the clawshot to hook over to one of the red targets that are on the gear. Hold down on the joystick to extend the chain of the clawshot and lower Link. Stay latched on until you are above the ledge on the Left side of the room. Release the grapple and go through that door.

Jump in the water and equip the iron boots to sink all the way to the ground. Walk over to the north portion of the water and pass some seaweed to get to the middle part of the room. Once you pass the seaweed look up towards the south of this area. There is a piece of land that divides this area, so take off the iron boots and swim up.

Put the iron boots back on and you’ll notice a boulder blocking the way. There is also a water enemy here that if you defeat it, will turn into a bomb. Either use the enemy or a water bomb to destroy the boulder. Take off the iron boots and swim through.

Use the iron boots to sink to the bottom of the water and walk to the south end of this area. Use a water bomb to destroy the boulder and then defeat the Shell Blade that waits behind the boulder Take off the iron boots and swim through this tunnel. Swim to the top and climb to the piece of land. Open the door to the south.

Defeat the Chu Worm. There is a red target on the ceiling. Clawshot to hook over to it. A door will open in the floor of the room but if you release from the red target it will close. Grab on with the clawshot once again and stay connected to the target. While connected lower yourself through the hole. Open the chest at the bottom to get the big key. Use the iron boots and open the door that is underwater on the Left side of the room. Swim through the tunnel and most of the room to get back to the door all the way on the East side of the room. Enter it to return to the room with the gears.

10.6 Hidden Heart Piece

Use the clawshot to hook up to one of the red targets. Lower Link and land on a platform south of the gear. From here, use the clawshot over to a red target on the other gear. Lower yourself and land on the platform that had a treasure chest earlier. From here, clawshot over to the vines and climb up. Open the door to the Right. Pass the waterwheel and return to the Main Room.

You’ll see the water level rise once again, allowing you to reach the boss door in the center. If you wish to do so now, skip to 10.7. There are a few things we can get, mostly a heart piece.

Walk counter-clockwise around the room and use the clawshot to hook over to the vines on the wall to make it past this barrier. Walk towards the door but then turn to face the middle of the room. Jump and hook onto the handle to rotate the staircase and allow water to flow Eastward. Open the door on the East side.

Cross the bridge and enter the door straight ahead. With the water level raised, a bridge will now extend southward. Jump to the middle area and cross the bridge to the south. Cross it and stand on the switch that is on the floor and the gate will open. A Lizalfos will attack, so take it out. Once again stand on the switch and use the clawshot to claw over to the red target behind the gate. Open the chest to get a piece of heart. Now use the clawshot at to the red target at the ceiling. Backtrack to get back to the Main Room.

10.7 Boss Fight: Twilit Aquatic Morpheel

With the water level raised, we can now access the boss door in the center of the room. Swim up the top of the water level and use the boss key to open the door. There are two large pots, smash them to get a few hearts and a fairy. Once you are ready, jump down into the endless hole to face off with the Twilit Aquatic Morpheel.

You’ll arrive in a small pool of water. Put on your iron boots to sink all the way to the odd tentacle chilling on the floor. The tentacle has an eye and when it spots Link, Morpheel will appear from the ground.

Can you guess Morpheel’s weakspot? Z-Target the eye and use the Clawshot to pull it towards you. You should have the Iron Boots on while doing this. Once pulled to you, start slashing with your sword.

Try not to stand in a single place too long. Take the Iron Boots off and swim around.

Repeat the process of pulling the eye out and slashing it with your sword a few times and the first phase of this fight is over.
Morpheel will then come out from underground and reveal its entire gigantic body. The weak spot now the eye on top of its head. Take off the boots and swim after Morpheel. Once you are close enough z-target its eye. Use the clawshot and Link will land on Morpheel’s back. Start slashing again. After a few hits, Link will be shaken off. Repeat the same process once again, chasing Morpheel around the room.

After enough slashes to its eye, the battle ends with Morpheel swimming out of control and directly into the wall which creates a hole allowing all the water to funnel out and Morpheel will be vanquished. Get the Fused Shadow piece, the Heart Container and exit this madness.