Zelda Wii To Be Released By The End Of The Year

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You read that right folks, according to a recent interview between Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata and Asahi Shimbun, Zelda Wii will be released in less than 365 days away. This is all we know about the interview so far, but a complete translation is being worked on, so check back later today to see the rest. But we know the important part: Zelda Wii this year!

Zelda Wii+Metroid: Other M=the most kickass year ever! /nerdgasm

Source: IGN


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  • Dark Link


  • Daddy

    I'm already there, in fact, I'm still hungover from the said "celebration". In all honesty though, I wouldn't be surprised if this game was subject to at least one delay. That just might kick it into 2011. Hopefully I'm wrong and Nintendo is committed to getting this one out as a high quality title and on time.