Why Zelda Wii Should be Like The Wind Waker

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With E3 less than a week away Zelda fans are wetting themselves in anticipation over Nintendo’s press conference. At E3 with year Nintendo has promised to give us the first shred of real information about the game since they released a piece of art at least year’s E3.

With rumors running amuck every fan has their own ideas for what Nintendo needs to and should incorporate into what could be the most revolutionary Legend of Zelda game since the release of The Ocarina of Time. And like everybody out there, we too have our own beliefs on what Zelda Wii should be like.

What We Know About Zelda Wii

As previously stated, little is currently known about the upcoming Legend of Zelda title for the Nintendo Wii. What we do know however is that the game will use the Wii motion Plus and that the Wiimote will most likely be used for combat in a much more influential way than the Twilight Princess Wii port. Interviews and quotes from Zelda developers have also hinted that Zelda Wii will ‘be the end of Zelda as we know it.’

So we know next to nothing about Zelda Wii which leads us to our next point.

What Should Zelda Wii Be Like?

A large percentage of the Legend of Zelda community would love to see Nintendo make another Zelda game that is comparable to The Ocarina of Time. After all, The Ocarina of Time was and still is one of the highest reviewed games of all time. However, in this writers personal opinion, Nintendo should make Zelda Wii more like The Wind Waker.

Though The Wind Waker receives mixed feedback from Zelda fans, it is one of the best games in the series in my opinion, for a variety of reasons.


The Wind Waker’s cartoony vibrant graphics are probably one of the biggest reasons that many fans were turned off from the game. Nintendo had previously showcased a Game Cube capability demo that portrayed a much more realistic Legend of Zelda, which led fans to believe that a game was in the works that would be darker and more realistic than ever before. However, Nintendo shocked fans around the world when The Wind Waker was first shown in his cell shaded cartoon glory that would later be dubbed ‘celda.’

link wind waker

But Like it or not, The Wind Waker was one of the most beautiful and graphically rich games released for the Nintendo Game Cube. By using the cell shaded technology Nintendo was able to capture the world and Link’s expressions in ways never possible beforehand. Even today the graphics of the Wind Waker stand out as being absolutely gorgeous.

So what am I getting at? Do I want Nintendo to release another home console cartoony Zelda game? Well personally yes I do but that is not my point. My point is that Nintendo just needs to look outside the box again and deliver the unexpected. We were all expecting a realistic Legend of Zelda title but instead we got the rich and vibrant Wind Waker. In my opinion that is one of the best qualities of Nintendo, the ability to always surprise their fans.

We would all get our realistic Zelda with Twilight Princess so patience is key here. What Nintendo needs to do is release a game so graphically astonishing that it will surpass our first 3D experience of Ocarina of Time, surpass the beautiful and colorful world of The Wind Waker, and surpass the detailed and realistic world of Twilight Princess. I have heard from many fans that they would like Nintendo to reuse the Twilight Princess graphics. In my opinion they should not. Keep it fresh and keep it innovative as always. Give us another surprise like we got with The Wind Waker.


Though music is often not considered to be a vital part of the gaming experience, with the Zelda series it is. The quality of a game’s musical compositions are not often mentioned in gaming reviews. Graphics and game-play of course steal the spotlight , but thankfully Nintendo has generally had a great track list to go with the Legend of Zelda games.

Once again, in my personal opinion, the musical score of The Wind Waker was the best in the series. From the Title Screen to the Overworld, and to Outset Island, all of the songs in The Wind Waker were fantastic. Nothing can ruin an experience quicker than a god awful song in the background that makes you wonder ‘what were they thinking?’ The Wind Waker managed to avoid that scenario and provide gamers with an uplifting Irish blend sound to all of the songs that perfectly conveyed the atmosphere.

A commonly agreed idea across the Zelda community is that Nintendo should give us a fully orchestrated musical experience. I myself would love to hear this myself, as I thought the music in Twilight Princess was a tad bit of a let down, but whatever the case, a brilliant track of songs like the one from The Wind Waker would add another piece of the puzzle to Zelda Wii.

Bring Back the Great Sea

No, I am just kidding about this one. However, in all honesty the Great Sea was one of the best things ever to happen to the Zelda Overworld. A common complaint about The Ocarina of Time is the vast nothingness that is Hyrule Field. There is literally next to nothing to do in Hyrule Field in The Ocarina of Time and just a tad bit more in Twilight Princess. The Great Sea from the Wind Waker however was wide open and filled with treasures and islands to explore.

Now many of you are probably remember how long it took to sail across the Great Sea and again how devoid of enemies the Great Sea often was. That was a problem with me as well, but Nintendo can take the best of it and add on to make one spectacular overworld. The Wind Waker’s Great Sea was a 7 X 7 quadrant overworld. Each coordinate of the sea had an unique island of its own waiting to be explored. Scattered throughout the sea was also a variety of things to find and explore. There was treasure to be fished up, submarines Link could enter, watch towers to climb, and much much more.

So while I do not want to see another water-based Zelda adventure, I would like Nintendo to take the aspects of the Great Sea that made it so much fun to explore and use that to make an even better Hyrule that can keep fans drawn in and entertained.

The Plot

Perhaps the best part of The Wind Waker was its often puzzling plot that opened up a huge time-line debate in the Zelda community. The prologue of the game explains that all of Hyrule was flooded because the great Hero did not appear when evil threatened the land. But why not? Where was this hero, who we can all presume was supposed to be Link?

Wind Waker PrologueThe story of The Wind Waker is filled with interesting questions like this. Why did the water-based Zoras possibly evolve into the flying race of the Ritos? Why didn’t the gods just stop Ganon instead of flooding the entire world?In fact, the very creation of The Wind Waker has led to the split time-line theory for the Legend of Zelda series. After Ocarina of Time there are now two paths of events that take place with games fitting onto one path or the other.

What also made this story so great is that you start the game off as an unsuspecting boy who is just trying to celebrate his birthday with his family, but a twist in events forces Link into an adventure that would later save the world  from the evil Ganondorf once again.

If you haven’t caught on yet, the plot of The Wind Waker got fans speculating and kept them guessing. An to reiterate that is what Nintendo does best and perhaps that is why fans are so drawn into the Zelda series. The story and premise itself is shrouded in mystery which leads to a a greater fan base. In the Zelda community there is  a large amount of time-line theorists, many who take it very seriously, because of Nintendo’s ability to capture its fans imaginations and to keep us guessing.

So for Zelda Wii, the plot needs to be like The Wind Waker’s. The plot should be well developed but at the same time leave it open to the fans to come up with their own ideas on the concepts. Zelda is after all just a legend. And legends are interpreted in different ways by different people and Nintendo needs to keep it that way.

Wrapping Things Up Here

Nintendo’s best Zelda games are those which revolutionize the series in some imaginative way and in my opinion The Wind Waker did that the best. The Wind Waker was an overall masterpiece and one of the best games in the series. The mysterious plot, risky but beautiful graphics, amazing music, and the exploration based overworld helps to make The Wind Waker as extraordinary as it is.

If Nintendo can take the elements of the Wind Waker, that made it so great, and apply those concepts to the upcoming Legend of Zelda title for the Wii, then we will have ourselves one of the, if not the, greatest Zelda games ever made.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • Cipriano 119

    Great article to kick off the new layout! WOO

  • Daniel

    Well, this article was a crime against all things that are good. I agree with you, but no on the points you made. This was too personnal to make a good article, your "in my opinions" took away from the piece.

    The graphics segment was strong, I like the idea, graphics set the mood for a game. But, for me, the graphics in Wind Waker didn't neccessarily send me down the rode of "This is going to be the happiest place on earth, Vibrant and cheery bubbles for all." What it did was make a contrast, the Forsaken Fortress became darker and more sullen because Outset was so vibrant and bouncey.

    The same thing goes for the music as a moodsetter (excuse me if this is not a word), because of the different types of music (vibrant, dramatic, epic, bouncey) another contrast was set up.

    Additionally, I have never felt like the Great Sea takes along time to pass through. 30 seconds or so could bring you through an entire grid tile. And, once you get the Ballad of Gales, crossing the ocean becomes easy. The first few segments of travel aren't long enough to complain about, especially considering, as you said, there are submarines/towers/islands to explore, all of them filling to the brim with puzzles.

    And as for the plot, again, I agree with you on seperate terms. What made the Wind Waker plot so beautiful, so gorgeous, is the fact that even though there was a heavy amount of surreal art it was a highly realistic story. The characters acted organically with the only major unexplained personnality shift coming form Tetra… after her transformation… which can be explained as a shift in persona from the pirate to the one destined to lead Hyrule. Even the villain shows himself to be a natural, shade of grey, villain. Additionally, it had some of the better dialogue, while Sheik was giving her words of wisdom I was trying to keep myself from choking on the cheese she was serving. Ganondorf in OoT is not as Organic, he lacks a motive. He feels evil for evil's sake, something that is unrealistic, no one is evil for evil's sake. In Twilight Princess, the lack of substantial explanation of what all went on in the Twilight Realm, for me personnaly, made it seem less organic.

    I agree, give me the Wind Waker.

    • Mr Confused

      I agree on all points except the Zelda part as when Tetra turned to Zelda all of a sudden her *attitude* vanished which should NOT have happened.
      Like when she was told to stay in that temple for protection which according to another intense WW article I've read they might as well have put up a neon sign telling Ganon to go and get her.

      Seriously. Not only do they leave Zelda DEFENSELESS =all by herself ready for easy grabbing but she doesn't even protest when she CLEARLY knows how to use a sword and could beat up your ass with one hand tied behind her back?

      What about the rest of the pirates? Aren't THEY good enough protection since they are practically her family/crewmen and fighters all rolled into one?
      Do these Hylians EVER stop to take a deep breath to look at the big picture before making rash choices that nearly cost them their lives and others?

      I guess if you don't believe in spirituality (which is totally different then a brainwashed religion cult) then you can't think for yourself not matter what you'd like to believe. :p

      History repeats.

      It seems to me these Hylians are just like the modern Liberal party where responsibility comes second and spending money and partying comes first while claiming the opposite but you can judge by the actions being taken.

    • Disgusted.

      Also know that I think about it why doesn't Valoo just burn Ganondorf in revenge for what happened to his tail earlier in the game? (Not that I believe in revenge) but the dragon should be pretty pissed off and not just let it go according to their religion.

  • Noah

    Well Daniel, I am still glad you read our article and had some interesting things to say.

    I agree with your points as well. I especially like your ganondorf statements.

  • Daniel

    Thanks for not taking that to be too mean. I'm just very defensive of my Wind Waker. Sorry and all.

  • I would agree to your article for two points that you brought up; the graphics and the history that led to the flooding of Hyrule.

    Wind Waker was a very revitting tale that was both epic and poignant, even with the cartoon style. Though I liked Twilight Princess for its merits, it didn't bring 'something new' to the table.

    The mythology of Hyrule needs to be explored more. Why did the goddesses destroy Hyrule like that? Could it be that without a Hero, they couldn't channel their might? Where was this Hero anyway? These questions still bug me and it would be nice if Nintendo could touch upon these.

    I can't wait until E3 2010. Hopefully Nintendo will surprise us.

  • I agree with this article fully, Wind Waker IMO couldn't have been any better than the great inspiring game that it was. I'll admit when I first got the game I was a little naive of the cartoony style and thought the game would have been botched, but after a while of playing the game I was very impressed with how it all fit together. The plot, the artistic style, the characters, and the animations.

    I don't know if anyone else saw this. But at one time there was an MMO in development that was listed on mmorpg.com and the characters in the screen shots they had up looked like they were based off of the wind waker art style. I wish I could remember the name of the unfinished project, but MMORPG.com no longer has it listed in their games section.

  • Ahh I found it http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/198/Proje

    too bad it was cancelled

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  • azrael

    i definatly agree. i am an explorer gamer, so having a million and one things to do outside the main story is great for me.

    fav zeldas:

    1) majoras mask

    2) windwaker

    3) link to the past

    4) ocarina

    5) twilight princess

    (the 4 swords series was a travesty in my opinion.

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  • Dudewheresthebong

    Sorry, but i have to disagree with most of your opinions.

    We have had too many cartoony Zelda games throughout the past decade, technically Ocarina of time was toony but that was due to Hardware limitations at the time.

    Twilight Princess is a very stylised game, villagers for example had allot of exagerated cartoony features it's fine.

    Nintendo should have used the art style of TP and expanded on it, it was nice and vibrant with warm earthy colors it was much like playing a game that was bringing an old monsters and hero's storybook.

    The new art style to me looks absolutely aweful, it's Toon Zelda but with more realistic proportions, for link at least anyway, but your whole banging on about "keeping it fresh" is contradictory, having a detailed Zelda visual style would be PERFECT for a natively developed Pee wii title.

    I think it is unfair for us who are tired of the same look and do not fancy waiting till 2016 for the next Zelda that might possibly but who knows, more like the cool cartoony yet realistic style of TP.

    TP if developed for the Wii natively not the gamecube no doubt would be awesome.

    Cartoony zelda really fits with Handheld realms however, if the console gets the highly detailed graphics and the 3DS gets the styled cartoon look everybody can be happy.

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  • Mr Confused

    I am recently replaying Zelda Wind Waker and there is SO MUCH details in the graphics that are not present in TP and from what I've heard even Skyward Sword. Which SS looks like an artistic mess as if the artists were arguing the WHOLE time while they were drawing about which direction to go in short of their deadline set by their mean boss.

    Now about Wind Waker……………….

    I LOVE the details of Forsaken Fortress such as how FF has those drawings on the walls like at the Docking Bay that describes how the search-lights operate and how there is a map by the door if you are lost.
    I actually didn't need to get the dungeon map as I pretty much got the basics of the fortress right away due to the map by the main doorway. You'd think with all the pots I've smashed up the Moblins would've heard and come running to stop me and the search lights would've noticed the missing money on the ground and get suspicious.

    Those small dark creatures were funny and scary at the same time that made the *didant* noise sounding like they were saying "Dead ants" "Dead ants" as they hopped around you poking you with their cute little spears and boy can they jump or what!

    The wind Waker sea is SO pretty especially towards sunset which would've looked even cooler in realistic graphics.

    I am tired and am going to bed. I can't even see hardly .

  • Kyle

    In Forsaken Fortress on the Docking Bay you can view the diagrams on the walls of the spot light functions.

    It would've been very cool if they let you take control of the spot lights after dispatching the creatures operating them and move the spot lights around as well as blow the horn causing the Moblins to panic thinking an attack was happening.