Skyward Sword Plot Gameplay Details in Nintendo Power

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The upcoming edition of Nintendo Power has revealed a lot of new information about Zelda Skyward Sword. Below is a list of new plot and gameplay elements.
Skyward Sword Plot Details

– Ghirahim’s goal is to revive his master. Who that is is still not revealed.
The headmaster of the Knight Academy, which Link attends, is named Gaepora, who is also Zelda’s father.
-Zelda has a close relationship with Link. She wakes him up to show off her new dress for the Bird Riding ceremony.
-Zelda also pushed Link off a cliff edge because he is so lazy with his training.
– Zelda wakes up Link one morning to show him her dress for the Bird Riders ceremony.
-After the competition is over Link and Zelda go on a date. Zelda goes to tell Link something of importance but is interupted by a tornado.
-Link is always having nightmares about the creature that swallows Zelda.
-When Zelda is attacked, Link is save dby by his bird, one of the Loftwings.
– Fi shows up in Skyloft after Zelda is taken and Link ends up following her to the Goddess Statue.
– Sheikan stones will be in the game again.
– The Eldin Volcano is part of the Earth Temple and not the Fire Temple.
-The mean guys in Skylofy are named Groose, Stritch, and Cawlin. Groose likes Zelda.

Skyward Sword Gameplay details

-Night and Day transition is not on a timer. To change to night and day Link goes to bed and the gamer can choose to get up during the day or not.
-More monsters appear at night. Cats become aggressive?
– The HUD can be customized to show full controls or not.
– To save the game Link must find Bird Statues, sort of like Majora’s Mask. They are all over the place though.
-The Skyward Sword is actually called the Goddess Sword.
-The cubes we have seen are known as Goddess Cubes
-The sword beam is named the Skyward Strike.
-While flying, you can return to aany activated save station.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • asdf

    Gaepora looks like Rauru, who has a connection with Kaepora Gaebora, whose last name is similar to Gaepora.


  • Rosyan

    OH. MY. GOD. Can´t wait for this game! Note: in one Zelda-website they said also that Skyloft is HUGE!