Project Cafe Confirmed By Nintendo

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I am sure you have all heard about the upcoming Wii 2 console. The sequel to the Wii which has become known as Project Cafe has spurred on a lot of speculation. Current belief is that the system will be much more powerful than the Wii and will be more powerful than the 360 and PS3. Perhaps the most exciting bit is that the controller is rumored to have a touch screen interface on it that is bound to innovate the gaming industry.

However despite all the rumors about Project Cafe, Nintendo had been quiet about the entire thing. That is until now. In a recent press release Nintendo confirmed the existence of an upcoming console to be released in 2012. They also stated that more specs and a playable demo would be available at this year’s E3 conference.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.