Princess of Destiny

3.3 Hyrule Castle

As soon as you enter the area Kaepora Gaebora will appear once again. He sure is getting annoying. Anyways, he explains that you are heading the right way, and that in some areas, such as towns and buildings, time stands still. Time flows normally in other areas such as Hyrule Field.

When Kaepora Gaebora flies off, roll into the tree he was sitting upon and a Gold Skulltula will fall to the ground. Kill it and collect his token. Once doing so, head around the corner until you come to a gate that is blocking your way. The guard by the gate says that nobody is allowed in, so you will have to find another way into the castle. Head back towards the tree and there will be a section of the wall covered in vines. Climb up the vines to get on top of the cliff.

You may be tempted to try and get all the way through to the castle at this point, but for now go ahead and get caught. Walk up to one of the guards and get tossed out of the gate. Return to the wall with the vines to find Malon. She informs you that her father, Talon, has gone missing while on his way to the castle. She gives you an egg to use to wake up her father if you find him.

With the Weird Egg in your inventory, climb up the vines again and follow the cliff to the end. Jump down to the other side of the gate and turn to look towards the castle. You should see that there are two guards to the right so we will ignore that path. Instead, head up the hill, between the two guards to the right and a lone guard to the left.

Once past these three guards, keep heading straight, but stay a bit to the left, out of sight of any of the guards. You will eventually come to a wall with some weird looking stones on a cliff side. Walk up to them and climb up the wall to get to the other side.

You will find yourself within the castle grounds, and right next to a moat. Go ahead and jump into the moat to avoid being seen by the final two guards. Once you get to the far corner of the moat, climb out and head to the left. You should find Talon fast asleep next to a series of crates.

If your egg has not yet hatched, just wait until a day passes and it will finally do so. With the egg hatched into a fully formed chicken, equip it and use the “item” while targeting Talon. The chicken will wake Talon up and he will quickly go running off to find Malon.

Now that Talon is out of the way, grab the crates and push and pull them into the water. The second crate will sit right on top of the first one, giving you enough height to climb up and jump to the area where the water flows out of the castle. Jump over and crawl into this hole to get into the castle walls.

3.4 Hyrule Castle Courtyard

The Castle Courtyard is filled with guards. Thankfully these guards tend to walk around in the same predefined route, making them easy to avoid. If you happen to get caught, you will be kicked back to the start and have to begin the process again. To avoid being caught, always stay behind the guards, and avoid their front and sides. You can use a variety of things for cover including, but not limited to, bushes and statues.

The first guard is really easy to sneak past. He is walking around a large square area. Just go past him as he is on the other side.

The second area has two guards, each of which is walking around a fountain. One of them is walking quickly and the other slowly. This change of pace makes sneaking past them a bit more awkward, but still feasible. Timing is key here.

The third area is much more simple. In this area there is a wooden pillar surrounded by Rupees. The guard in the area is walking around this pillar as well. For such a small amount of Rupees, it is not worth pursuing. Instead, take the wooden stairs to cross over the wooden beam on top of the area. This path will enable you to go right by the guard. Just be careful not to fall off the wooden beam.

The next section again has two guards. Like last time, the guards are walking at different rates. It is not too hard to get an open chance to make your move.

This will take you into the last area. Here there are two guards, both moving quickly, walking around a long topiary. Both guards are fairly easy to avoid as well. Once you have made it past them you will be in the clear.

3.5 Castle Courtyard

The Castle Courtyard is devoid of any guards so do not fret. In fact, this area is totally empty of anything except for Princess Zelda and a nice view. If you look into the windows on your sides, you will be able to see a collection of Mario themed pictures.

Once you are done taking in the view, go ahead and speak with Zelda. You are in for one lengthy conversation. Zelda will introduce herself and go into the history of the Triforce.

She also explains how she has had dreams foretelling of your arrival. After more dialogue, she will show you Ganondorf, a Gerudo man, whom she suspects is up to no good. Once she is finished telling you everything of importance, she hands you a letter which can be used to get past the guards in Kakariko Village.

With Zelda’s letter in-hand, turn for the exit, where you will be stopped and greeted by Impa, Zelda’s nursemaid of Sheikan background. Impa will teach you the Royal Family’s Tune, Zelda’s Lullaby. This song will help Link prove his connection with the royal family.

Impa will then take you outside to Hyrule Field and point you towards Kakariko Village. However, we have multiple things to attend to before we head that way.