Kokiri Forest

1.1 Introduction

As soon as the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time begins, you will witness a cutscene in which the Great Deku Tree introduces the Kokiri, his role in the quest to come, and Link, the lone boy without a fairy. You are then brought into Link’s head to witness his nightmare, a foreshadow of things to come.

In this nightmare, Link is standing by a drawbridge that descends. A white horse then runs out of the gate with a women and girl riding atop. As Link looks up, he notices an evil looking man on an equally as frightening black stallion. At this point Link’s dream comes to an end and the Deku Tree summons Navi, a forest fairy, to fetch the child of destiny.

Navi then flies through the village and into Link’s house. Upon finding a still asleep Link, she annoyingly wakes your character up and at this point you will gain control of Link.

With Link now in your control, use the Analog stick to walk him out of his house. Outside you will meet Link’s childhood friend, Saria.

Jump, or climb down, from your treehouse and talk to Saria. She is excited that you finally got a fairy and urges you to go talk to the Great Deku Tree.

However, there are still a few things you must do before you can go see the Great Deku Tree. As you heads towards the Deku Tree one incredibly rude Kokiri, named Mido, will stand in your way and block the path. It soon becomes apparent that Mido considers Link his rival, and he refuses to let Link pass until you get a sword and a shield.

Both items are fairly simple to come by, but they will require a little bit of work. The shield is located inside of the Kokiri Shop, and is selling for a fairly steep 40 Rupees. The sword is hidden away somewhere in the village. Getting the sword will make it easier for you to collect some Rupees, so we will collect it first.

1.2 Finding the Kokiri Sword

In the southwestern corner of the map is a fenced in area called the Forest Training Center. Head towards it and you will see a small hole in the wall. As you walk up to the hole, you will notice that the action button changes, alerting you to press A to crawl. Do so and enter into the hole.

Once you pop out on the other side, quickly head around the corner to find a Blue Rupee (5) and hen follow the path until you come to the first right. There will be another Blue Rupee here for you to collect.

Throughout this area is a giant boulder that is rolling in a set pattern. As you are collecting Rupees and working towards the sword, take care to avoid contact with the boulder.

Once the path is clear, continue and take the next opening to find a giant chest. Open it up to acquire the Kokiri Sword. Pause the game and navigate to your equipment menu to equip your sword.

With the sword now equipped, head back to the hole and exit into the Kokiri Forest again. When you are back outside, you can talk to the Kokiri standing nearby for a quick sword training lesson.

From here we are now going to work on gathering enough Rupees to buy the Wooden Shield from the shop.

1.3 Buying the Deku Shield

As mentioned earlier, it will take 40 Rupees to purchase the Deku Shield. At this point you should have a minimum of 10 Rupees if you have been following this guide.

The village is filled with a ton of secret Rupee locations, many of which can be acquired multiple times.

To start your Rupee gathering, I suggest heading towards Mido’s house. Behind it you will find a Blue Rupee (5) and inside his house is a series of chests containing a total of 12 Rupees.

Once you have all of these Rupees, head towards the shop. In that direction are some rectangular platforms set in a tiny pond, leading to the shop. As you jump across the platforms, you will get a Blue Rupee.

Throughout the Kokiri Woods there are also several areas of high grass and rocks that can be thrown. Walking through the grass will often reward you with 1-4 Rupees. Breaking the rocks will randomly drop Rupees as well. This can be done multiple times by simply entering and exiting any building.

When you get close to 40 Rupees you can go ahead and head towards the shop. When you approach the store, you will notice a Kokiri sitting on top of the bulding. She will teach you how to Z-target to talk to people far away.

After talking to her, go ahead and enter the shop. If you head to the right side of the counter, you can walk behind the store and find more Rupees. At this point you should have 40 or more. If not, just head back outside and keep exploring the area. As mentioned earlier, the Kokiri Forest is filled with hidden Rupees.

Now that you have enough Rupees, talk to the shop owner and select the Deku Shield to purchase it. Pause the game and equip the shield, just as you did with the sword earlier.

1.4 Go See the Great Deku Tree

With both items now equipped, you can return and speak to Mido. After a series of insults are thrown your way, Mido will reluctantly move out of your way.

Head on through the now open path towards the Deku Tree. As you get near the end of the path, three monsters will pop out of the ground. You can kill them with your sword, or just ignore them and proceed onward. If you choose to kill them, make sure to collect the Deku Sticks that they may leave behind.

Continue down the path until you reach the clearing where the Great Deku Tree is located. Head forward and a cutscene will be initiated.

The Deku Tree will explain that Link’s nightmares are a sign of a great evil that is ready to take over Hyrule. He then informs you that he has been cursed and that only Link can break that curse. When the Great Deku Tree is done talking, say yes, and enter into his mouth.