Nintendo Confirms Zelda Wii at E3: Time To Party

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Throw your hands in the air and party like it’s 1999… okay I feel embarrassed now. If you haven’t heard already, Nintendo has fully committed to showing Zelda Wii, or at least a trailer of it at this years E3. Although they had previously said that they hoped to showcase Link’s latest adventure, that was more of a half-commitment than anything else. Now it’s official.

I should take the time to remind you (again) that Twilight Princess didn’t come out until two years after its E3 showing, so don’t start quivering with climatic anticipation just yet. Still, trailers are pretty hot if you ask me, so I’m sure most of you will be looking forward to this as well.

Proof I am not bsing you can be found here.

If you are blind and or illiterate click here for the video presentation.


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