New Spirit Tracks Footage!

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Mad props to GoNintendo for posting this on YouTube. Some good news I can tell you right off the bat, is that it appears each dungeon will feature a different tune. This is a huge improvement over Phantom Hourglass, which featured the same repetitive dungeon music playing over and over, and over, and over, and… well I’m sure you get the point by now. In addition to this, there’s some footage of what might turn out to be Niko from The Wind Waker. And finally, the last point of interest is at about 2:00 into the video, where the old man off to the right appears to have glowing red eyes. Why his eyes are glowing is a complete mystery, but it’s something worth noting.

Click here to see the video!


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  • Daddy

    I love it how Link blushes at the beginning of the video :)