New Skyward Sword Gameplay Details E3 2011

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New details about Zelda Skyward Sword has been delivered through the Nintendo round table that took place several hours after the E3 conference.

  • First off there is a new race of creatures in Skyward Sword. They are being called Mogmas and are dog like creatures that live in the ground.
  • There is also a new area being called the Siren World. This area is very mysterious looking and is in another dimension. Link must collect tear like items to leave the area and the portal into the Siren World is in the forest from last year’s E3 demo.
  • The girl from the original Skyward Sword concept art is back and she is indeed the spirit inside of Link’s sword. Her name is Fi (speling?) and will act as your guide. Your sword will react to various things in the ground and serve as metal detector like item when you’re looking for key pieces.
  • As reported in the past, the dungeons and over world formula in Skyward Sword will be a tad bit different. This time Link will return to past areas to find new puzzles and game elements as the game progresses. Link will interact with the environment much more than in the past. The game map system is also improved.
  • Several items are protected by guardians that are very powerful as Link is weaker and unarmed at times in the Siren World.

About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

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  • caleb Harrison

    I believe the sword's name is spelled "PHI" as in the greek letter.

    It looks more epic than Fi.

    • Jay-Russell

      Or her name could be 'Fyi' and they could have named her that for the 'For Your Information' aspect. Just like how Navi was named Navi because she was the 'Navigator'

      – Jay

  • g

    I'm thinking the Siren World might be the Sacred Realm, especially how they say the Siren World has powerful guardians and is in another dimension. Also, the sirens may be related to Din, Farore, and Nayru.

    Perhaps the game's story revolves around sealing the Triforce in the Sacred Realm, and the ending involves using the Master Sword to seal the Sacred Realm. I bet that in the last scene, we see Link placing the Master Sword into the pedestal.

    • g

      Thinking about what I just said, that seems to fit too well with the Ocarina of Time story; Nintendo has never had the stories in different Zelda games match up very precisely when the newer one is a prequel. Specifically, I'm looking at the stories of A Link to the Past and its prequel Ocarina of Time. When a Zelda game is followed by sequels (OOT to MM/TP, WW to PH to ST), the stories will match up, but prequels are seemingly different. However, this could be the game that breaks that mold, and if the story really is about the Triforce and the Sacred Realm, that would be amazing. I've always thought of the Sacred Realm as somewhat of an enigma, and an in-depth explanation and visual representation of it could be fantastic.

  • Zelda

    Um… maybe. if they don't screw it up, then yeah.