More A Link Between Worlds Details Come from Miiverse Message

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Earlier today we updated the site with a ton of new information about the upcoming Zelda title, A Link Between Worlds. Since then, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has provided more insight into the game via Miiverse messages. He also shared a new screenshot to the game, which can be seen here.

The presence of a light and dark world plays a huge role in A Link Between Worlds. This theme is common throughout the Zelda series, but this time there is a twist. A kingdom exists within the dark world. The Kingdom of Hyrule exists in the light world, and an alternate kingdom can be found in the dark world The story of this game revolves around the events that takes place in this other kingdom.

The screenshot above highlights the game’s item shop. Aonuma noted the suspicious nature of the character seen in the shop. While he did not elaborate, he did say they would be talking about him at a later time. He also pointed out the items for sale in the shop. A seen in this image, there is a bow and arrow set, a hookshot, and a boomerang, and more for sale. None of these items are common for a Zelda shop. Most shops within Zelda games contain items that need to be replenished, such as bombs, arrows, and shields. Aonuma really stressed the importance of the shop in this game. Perhaps more information about this concept will be provided here soon.

Source: Miiverse

So what do you think about this game so far? Any piece of news that really stands out to you?


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.