Miyamoto: Vitality Sensor Possible For Zelda Wii

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“Whenever we are going to use any new device it is possible to expand the appeal to those who are new to the videogaming world. At the same time, however, it is also fun to think of ways in which we might apply that new technology to existing forms of gameplay – just like the way we are working on the new Legend of Zelda together with Wii Motion Plus. As you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher. So maybe you might like to ask me to incorporate the Vitality Sensor into Zelda so that as you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher.” -Shiggy

You heard it here folks, of all the crazy things Miyamoto has been tooting out recently, he is actually considering the Vitality Sensor for Zelda Wii. Now I’m going to state this right here, right now because people commenting on another site I work for can’t seem to comprehend this: the problem isn’t ‘how do we strap this on and hold the Nunchuck at the same time?’ but that Zelda Wii would have to lack the Nunchuck at all a la Other M. Why is this, you ask? Cause the Vitality Sensor plugs into the same port as the Nunchuck. Yeah, in order to even consider this, Miyamoto has to be considering Wii-mote only. Now, I doubt this will happen, seeing as it will use MotionPlus and therefore we will be holding it upright, not NES controller style, so the chances of this actually happening are slim-to-none. But, whatever, the man has spoken, so I must deliver! Peace out.

Source: http://wii.nowgamer.com/news/2781/miyamoto-vitality-sensor-for-new-zelda-possible


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