Linkle in Future Zelda Titles?

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Eiji Aonuma, producer for Nintendo, in an interview with IGN stated that he would “keep her in mind when thinking about future titles,” when talking about the controversial character Linkle. Aonuma stated that he enjoyed how the crossbow felt when working on “Links Crossbow Training” and felt that it wasn’t as out of place as some thought in the Zelda universe.

The question now is whether or not Linkle would be used for a main Zelda title or another spin off. All characters in “Hyrule Warriors” have multiple weapons, but we can assume the crossbows are her primary weapon. We know Aonuma has gone on record saying that he wants to play with the Zelda conventions as we know it but could the meddling of the conventions be the trading of a sword and shield for a more tactile bow system?

What would you all think of trading in a Hero for a Heroine for a game later on down the road?

Source: IGN


About Author

Still attending college at Central Michigan University Devlin studies English education and acting. He has been integrated into the life of Zelda since he watched his parents play the game at a young age. Ocarina of Time is his favorite and first Zelda game.