LegendZelda.Net One Year Birthday

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Today we turn one year old. This time last year I decided to open LegendZelda.net up to the public not knowing how things would go. Thankfuly they went pretty darn well. Over the course of our first year online, we have gathered an impressive user base across several social mediums including facebook, twitter, and youtube.  Currently we have

During this first year open, we have also received a Golden Item Award from the Exploding Deku Nut for being the most aspiring site in the Legend of Zelda community. This was a huge honor for the site and we are very happy to have our hard work noticed.

In terms of site traffic itself, things started off pretty slow, but have really begun to pick up in the final half of the year. We have achieved several first page rankings for major Skyward Sword keywords which brings in a lot of viewers and our somewhat frequent fan articles always bring in a massive response. On good days we get up to 3000 unique visits a day and though this is not as much as some sites, it is definitely impressive for what is still a fairly new site. To make things even better, the visitors we get have a very low bounce rate averaging around 1% with about 3 minutes spent on the site per visit.

Some other highlights of this year includes

  • Becoming a Zelda Wiki Mastermind
  • Giving Away A lot of Prizes in our Contests
  • Having a Highly Successful E3 Coverage
  • Launching Version 3With Good Reviews

However, all of this could not have been possible without the great people of the Zelda Community. Therefore I would like to thank some people publically.

First of all I would like to give out some recognition to some very special members from the site.

Best Overall Member

Farore – Or Lorena as I know her has been an invaluable part of the hiddentriforce.com community. She was one of our early sign ups and she has stayed on board for the ride. Her Zelda themed smileys have been highly popular on our forums and her friendliness and willingness to help has made her one of my better friends from the site.

Best Moderator

Midnafan1- William was the first member to sign up to our community this time last year. His ambition and activity helped to spur on activity throughout the entire site. Though he is no longer a moderator due to some personal things in his life, he remains the best we have had.

Member Who is the Most Fun

cfreaper2 – Just wow… If you are a member of our site or even just a part of our public chat then you have certainly met Crissi. She is full of energy and always has something to say. Plus her willingness to help has made her a great addition to the site. Thank you so much for supporting us throughout our first year online.

Community Awards

Best Webmaster – During my time online I have gotten to know a lot of the webmasters from all of the various Legend of Zelda sites. However, one has stood out to me over the course of this last year. And that person is Chance of LegendofZelda.com. I know we did not always get along, but after I got to know you I found out just how awesome and funny you can be.

Best Overall SiteZelda Dungeon gets this recognition from me because I remember visiting them years ago when I owned HT.com. It is absolutely amazing at how much they have grown and continued to improve. You will not find a better Zelda walkthrough out there.

Most Helpful Webmaster – Nathan of Zelda Informer! This is a hard one to explain for those of you who do not know Nathan personally. However, despite your criticism at times, you have actually been of great help with your feedback and tips here and there. So thank you very much, it has been much appreciated.

Anyways, I would like to finish this post by just saying thank you to everybody who has helped make LegendZelda.net what it is today. Later on today we will be releasing a new article to celebrate our one year birthday online. I hope you will enjoy it.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • I can't believe a year already passed, I am amazed!

    It has been a great experience to be part of the site :)

  • Midnafan1

    Wow Noah……… I'm very amazed at everything you typed. =]

    I am truly honored to have been a part of the site….. It really has been awesome to be a part of a forum that actually has something going on and not just the same old crap all the time…. I know many would agree with me. ^_^


  • It's great that the site made it a year. Hope it makes it longer!

    Happy birthday, LegendZelda!

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