Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Producer Wants to Work on Series

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As a huge Legend of Zelda fan, I would love a chance to get some input on a Zelda release. This sentiment seems to be shared by a lot, especially those in the gaming industry. Who could blame them? Zelda is a huge series, and being involved with a Zelda project would be a huge deal for ones professional career.

The most recent person to express interest is David Cox, producer of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

That’s a question, haha. I’m a massive fan of Zelda, so would I like to work on a Zelda-game…I’d love to work on a Zelda-game, that’d be amazing. How would I change it? I don’t really know. I mean, I think I would make it more like Ocarina of Time, because that’s the kind of Zelda-game I really, really like. You know, the wonder of exploring that whole world that felt like a cohesive whole…it all felt like it belonged together. So I think that would be something I’d love to do. That’s quite a difficult question to answer, but if Iwata-san is listening: I’d love to work on Zelda.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • Tiranofarl

    I can only imagine him working on a Zelda II style of game… You know, because it was side-scroller (and the best Castlevanias for me where side-scrollers)…

  • decimo anonimo

    I think he might give a chance if there was a spin off or a single game shot with something regarding some of the characters out there (story Nintendo, gameplay, free will to change somethings and designe, give him a shot). Like Sheik, Tetra, Impa or even Ganondorf. Link I dont think could fit the style of gameplay and background of David Cox. Link is the main character, so an entire game… I might be too rude, but I cant see it. Only with a side character or another of the main characters of the series.

    They could give him a chance none the less

  • ZombiAssassin

    This is scary to me….it could be either good or bad…maybe help on a preconcept and if Miyamoto & Itawa likes it then go.

  • I hope they won't change it too much…multiplayer would be nice, but not too many changes. Too many changes would ruin it for long time fans.

  • That’s quite a difficult question to answer
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