Aonuma and Kondo Discuss Voice Acting for Zelda

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zelda voice acting

Looks Like Link as Something to Say

Will we ever get voice acting for the Legend of Zelda series? Will our hero Link ever have a voice of his own? These are questions that have been brought up many times in the past. Despite a huge desire by many fans, there has been no effort to implement voice acting of any kind into the Zelda series.

In a recent interview, Kondo and Aonuma discuss the reasons why. Hit the jump to read what they had to say.
Kondo: The most important thing about the Zelda series is that the player becomes Link. One of the challenges with full voice is that if we’re trying to convey the player’s emotion through Link, but you hear Link talking in somebody else’s voice, that creates a disconnect between you and the role that you’re taking on.

Aonuma: …if you create a game where everybody else in the game speaks but Link doesn’t, it emphasizes the fact that he is silent and draws even more attention to it. Of course, this was the first time we went with fully orchestrated songs in the game, and we’ve seen what that can do to help bring the world alive and make the game that much more fun. We’re continually looking at ways that we can evolve the series. We’re not confident that we can find the right balance with full voice, so we’ll see. (Jokingly) Everyone would be speaking Hylian, so even if you heard them speak, you wouldn’t understand them.”

Aonuma also discussed what he saw in the future of the Zelda series…

I started working on the series not at the beginning but part-way through its history. I think because of that, early on I was more looking objectively at the series and how we could change small, individual elements within it, rather than looking at how the series should evolve. As time has passed – particularly in the last few years – I’ve started to think a lot more about how I can take the series and really make it my own Zelda and evolve it further. As Mr. Miyamoto has allowed me to take the reins on the Zelda series, ultimately that’s what I need to do. Perhaps some people will think it’s a little bit late for me to start thinking about that, but as time goes by, that’s becoming more of a theme in how I’m approaching the series.

So what do you think? Should Link talk? Should everybody but Link talk? Let us know in the comments.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.


    I've found that for the Zelda series, it would kind of ruin the mood if they spoke. What I love about the cutscenes is how much more emotion the team provides with actions and expressions than straight-up voice acting. I'm not advocating complete silence, but the minimal voice acting done in Ocarina through Skyward strikes just the right balance for me. Also, you wouldn't have weird disconnects between mouth movements and voices, something that's common with localized material. It would take at least a month in localization into just 1 language to readjust the cutscenes to fit the voices, unless they make the cutscenes have less movement.

    It also doesn't hurt that the best voice acting I've heard in a localized video game is "okay", and that was mostly because the mouths were usually off-camera when a character spoke.

  • Eliska Achée

    There should NEVER EVER BE VOICES IN THE LEGEND OF ZELDA GAMES!!! It would totally ruin the experience. As stated above, you are supposed to be link, and you're supposed to connect with him. Firstly, if voices were added, it would be like watching a movie, much less exciting. Secondly, it's a legend, so it's better read, or is everyone becoming so lazy that they won't even read the text, but need it to be read to them. Thirdly, in text, you can read through it as fast or as slowly as you would like, but if there are voices, you wouldn't have any option but to listen to the entire thing. Fourthly, everyone has their own idea of what Zelda, Link, Ganondorf, and other characters are supposed to sound like, so it would be impossible to find a voice that would fit each character.

    However, I do think that the options in Skyward Sword where you can choose to say one of three things is fine, because no one is talking.

  • BlairShadow

    Leave it as is. This is one game that's real fine without having actual voices talk for them.

  • somecrazyguy

    i like the speaking hylian thing… like midna and fi speak. but it sounds like gibberish to us, cuz we dont know hylian, thus the subtitles

  • As for me it is not so important who will be voiced Zelda.

  • Hero of time

    I say no voices but i want link to be able to talk like people do in most games.